
Shoppe Rules

When you’re visiting Meeple Madness, please remember to follow these simple rules.

Our Rules

For the comfort of our guests. . .

Keep it Clean


Please be mindful of the space and others. If you make a mess, please feel free to 
clean up after yourself, or ask a staff member for assistance.

Please be conscious of unwanted odors (from pets, food, smoking, etc.) Restrooms are available for those who need to freshen up.

Respect One Another

The games you enjoy and how you enjoy them may not be universal. Please be considerate of other players and help us keep a welcoming and friendly atmosphere.


Keep it Friendly


To keep the mood of the shoppe light, please refrain from confrontational or divisive conversations while visiting with us.  

Visible political spirit-wear is not allowed in the shoppe, and designs on clothing should be appropriate for all ages.

Model Positive Language


To maintain good vibes in the shoppe, please keep your language upbeat and positive.  Avoid swearing and other harsh language.  

If you hear a staff member sing out “Family Shoppe!” it's our way of reminding folks to review their language.