If you've been up to the store on a recent Thursday night, you may have seen a few folks running around in Scouting uniforms. These folks are part of Crew 20, a new BSA Venturing Crew that has been established at Meeple Madness.
What is Venturing, you ask? It's an youth development program for young men and women, ages 14 to 21. Crews specialize in a particular avocation or hobby interest, and, as you can guess, Crew 20 is focused on gaming. You can find out more details about it on the official BSA Website.
One of our goals in opening Meeple Madness was to make sure we could connect to the community in meaningful ways. We believe the Venture Crew is an awesome way to do just that. . .It provides a great structure for young people in the area to connect with their hobbies and do some good along the way.
The Crew is just getting started, but they've got many activities already in the works. Service projects will focusing on volunteering at conventions like Dragon*Con and Anime Week, helping out wherever it makes sense. Regular crew activities will include a variety of tabletop games. Most of the Crew have already hopped on the Guild Ball bandwagon, so they're busy assembling and painting their miniatures. They also have a few Dice Masters players, as well as Magic: The Gathering players.
The Crew is open to any interested young men or women, ages 14-21 (or 13, if they've already completely the 8th Grade). If you're interested in joining the crew (either as a youth crew member, or a leader), stop by the store or drop us a message on our FaceBook page.